Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009
Rule Based Expert System
> Representasi Pengetahuan dengan Rules (aturan) sering disebut juga dengan Sistem Produksi
> Suatu Rule Terdiri dari 2 bagian, yaitu:
> Antacedent, yaitu bagian yang mengekspresikan situasi atau premis (Pernyataan berawalan IF)
> Konsekuen, yaitu bagian yang menyatakan suatu tindakan tertentu atau konklusi yang diterapkan jika situasi atau premis bernilai benar (Pernyataan berawalan THEN).
IF lalulintas pagi ini macet
THEN saya naik sepeda motor saja
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
About Us
Hey there, here is our second posting.. In this posting we wanna write something about ourselves, just like description, but more specific.Our member consist of three girls, that we are live in the same street, same house, but not in the same room.
1. Irine Dwi Kenestie

All of you can call me irin, i was born in Gresik, February, 25th 1992 . My hobby is listening to music and watching a movie. My favourite food is meatball and my favourite drink is chocolate milk. I am graduate from 1st kebomas senior high school, and then i enter ITS because it's my dream to get my future be better. In this university i found my best friend who all of them, there are in this blog. I can be hummoris but i can keep silent too, because i'm a moody person. This is about me, who not a perfect person.
2. Rizqi Prifsanti

My name is Rizqi, but since I was in elementary school, my friends started to call me Rici until now. I was born in Jember, on 2nd August 1991. My senior high school is SMA 1 Jember. Now I am in ITS Surabaya, Information System department. There are a lot of new friends and experince that I found here. I hope I can make all of my dreams come true. My hobby are browsing the internet and watching movie with friends. Martabak and chicken noodle are some of my favourite of food. I love ice cream too. In this life I have some inspiration, they are my parents, Five Minutes, and The Titans. They are so kind to me :) hahaha. I have a lot of best friends too, that can make me both laugh and cry, I'm happy with them.
3. Bunga Fadhila

Hey there, my name is bunga fadhila, you just can call me Bunga. I was born in Jember, my lovely city, on 7th September 1991. My senior high school is SMA 1 Jember, the same school with Rici. After I graduate from SMA 1 Jember, I tried snmptn and I'm accepted in ITS, Information System departement. Here I learn how to handle everything by myself, not depend on my parents. I will always try to make them proud of me. I like listening to music and reading classic novel. My favourite food is Mayashi nut and my favourite drink is Ultra Milk Strawberry. In my friends opinion, I want everything what I do become perfect. They also said I'm so principal. I hope it will give advantages for my work in the future and get the best.
Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009
First Posting
We are three girls from Information System ITS. Our group is consist of Irine Dwi Kenestie (5209100001), Rizqi Prifsanti (5209100084), and Bunga Fadhila (5209100105). This blog is one of our assignment from our lecturer, Mr. Ahmad Mukhlason as our final project for this semester.
We named this blog with Discmania Seventy Eight. What is the meaning? Discmania itself stand for Discrete Mathematic and Its Application. And how about the seventy eight? You can consider it as our basecamp. In there we live together and share about everything, such as our lecture, campus activity, and other kind of gossip.
Okay, that's it. We think our first posting in this blog is enough. We hope from this learning, we can get both knowledge and improvement for our Discrete Mathematic lecture. Amiiin.
Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.